The Portrait Masters Awards are an international portrait competition with over 8000 entries this year and judged by 10 master judges from around the world.
For me, this was the first time entering. I submitted four images and this one got a bronze medal in the Contemporary Portrait category of 2019.
The bronze award stands for "High Professional Standard". The professional judging is based on styling, composition, focus, lighting, connection (i.e. between photographer and model), posing, post-production, and overall technique and presentation.
Silver scores showing exceptional technique and gold is, of course, the ultimate goal so there is still a lot to learn!
But that is what I like about being a photographer. You never stop learning, you have to keep up with what the market wants, with the new techniques that are available and always try and push yourself harder!
Although the most important thing for me is to value myself, it is always nice if the photography industry is looking over your shoulder and keeps you sharp and alert and critiques your work now and then.